20 April 2010
It was rather dreary all day, but about 4 o'clock the sun decided to make an appearance. By the time I got home from work there was enough sunlight left to go for a run. I laced up my shoes and headed out for my 4 mile route.

It is definitely springtime in the Rockies. And how do I know? During my run my olfactory was continuously bombarded by the aroma of blossoms! Hurray! Things are starting to green and as I passed the various fruit trees and blossoming ground covers, I filled my lungs with their pleasant scent. True, there is the occasional noxious odor from the exhaust of a passing car, but it is so quickly replaced by something better. And then you hit the jackpot of fragrance...something cooking on the barbecue. I love that we are starting to take our lives back into the outdoors.

So, no need for expensive wall plug-ins to get your quota of aromatherapy; just go for a walk, jog or run. Your nose will thank you.


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Denver, Colorado, United States
Day job: Registered Dental Hygienist After hours: reader, chef, inventor, knitter, collector of high heels, peruser of Jane Austen fanfiction (and sometimes author), favorite auntie, theater enthusiast, runner and recent world traveler
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