30 April 2010

I'm one of the fortunate employed people who has every Friday off. Yep, that's right, every week I have a three-day weekend. It's not fair, I know, but I certainly enjoy them.

What's often so terrific about my Fridays is that I get to spend them with my sisters and their cutie kids. Take today for instance. My sister Brook and I have started a business venture. We've actually been accepted as a vendor in the Denver Junior League Holiday Mart. As a result, we have to spend some of our leisure time (not that Brook has much being the mother of four rather rambunctious children) manufacturing our product. We gather our supplies, make a smoothie or gucamole (or both), turn on a Sandra Bullock movie, and produce like crazy.

But then we get to relax. My brother-in-law and the kiddos join us, we cook a couple of frozen pizzas, and turn on an instant play movie from Netflix. Isn't that a fabulous way to spend a Friday?


About Me

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Denver, Colorado, United States
Day job: Registered Dental Hygienist After hours: reader, chef, inventor, knitter, collector of high heels, peruser of Jane Austen fanfiction (and sometimes author), favorite auntie, theater enthusiast, runner and recent world traveler
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